Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mata kuliah Statistik

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raahiim.

Untuk Mata kuliah Statistik dan Probabilitas soal akan diberikan waktu perkuliahan berlangsung.


Rangkaian Listrik

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raahiim.

Tugas III

Jelaskan dengan analisis jawaban rangkaian pada applet
untuk Chapter 3 dan 4 pada materi

1. Kirchoff's Laws
2. Equivalent Resistors
3. Perubahan Komponen Aktif.

Soal :
1. Kerjakan dengan berkelompokdimana masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 3 mahasiswa dan kerjakan minimal 2 rangkaian pada masing -masing sub chapter diatas .
2. KRangkaian pada sub bab 3 dengan kerjakan analisis mata jala dan simpul tegangan untuk 2 rangkaian berbeda.

Pekerjaan dikumpulkan pada waktu kuliah.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tugas Rangkaian Listrik

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raahiim.

Soal :
1.Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan elektro statis
2.Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan konduktor, isolator, semikonduktor, kapasitor, resistor dan induktor.
3.Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan aliran listrik dann rangkaian listrik.
4.Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan tegangan dan arus.
5.Jelaskan bagaimana cara menghitung daya.

Kerjakan pada kertas folio bergaris. Dikumpulkan saat kuliah.

Materi dapat diakses dari :

Monday, September 29, 2008

Statistik Probabilitas

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raahiim.

Tugas 1

Diketahui daftar berat bayi seperti dibawah ini (dalam kg):

5.66; 3.56; 4.78; 2.00; 4.66; 5.32; 3.12; 5.31; 7.68; 5.05; 3.79;
4.31; 4.25; 4.16; 2.08; 3.00; 3.66; 5.32; 3.82; 5.31; 2.34; 3.56;
6.66; 4.98; 5.55; 3.56; 4.78; 2.00; 4.66; 5.32; 3.12; 5.31; 5.43;
6.78; 5.66; 4.76; 4.35; 4.26; 2.18; 3.03; 3.66; 5.32; 3.82; 5.31;
4.44; 3.33; 5.55; 7.02; 6.22; 5.55; 5.33; 4.54; 5.32; 3.42; 5.32;
4.06; 2.10; 4.88; 4.56; 5.55; 3.33; 4.44; 5.32; 3.66; 3.03; 2.18;
4.25; 5.55; 4.34; 2.08; 4.98; 6.66; 6.78; 5.66; 2.34;5.32; 3.00;
3.76; 3.56; 3.42; 6.54; 4.56; 5.86; 3.23; 4.67; 5.45; 2.13; 4.35.

1. Rata-rata Hitungnya
2. Median
3. Mode
4. Desil 3
5. Quartil 3
6. Persenti 15
7. Standart deviasi.

Pekerjaan dalam bentuk tulisan tangan pada kertas folio bergaris.
Dikumpulkan pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2008.
di kantor jurusan Elektro paling lambat pukul 11.00.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Task I : Grammar

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raahiim.

Submit this task on the next meeting
Error Analysis
Some passages below have some subject-verb-disagreements
and number-disagreements. Find them by underliying the part
which is error and correct them.
Clothes can tell a lot about a person, but we can’t judge a person
by the clothes they wears. In many country, a lot of peoples ...
...............he/she ................countries ............people
A. There is a lot of important thing in a lifetime. The most important thing for a young people is to get a good educations. A good education help you to get a good job later on. You needs a good job to earn enough money to live comfortably. It is not as important to have a really high-paying job as it is to be happy in your choices of occupation. Also, everyone need to settle down by having a families because it is important in order for civilization to continue. However, being happy with oneself is truly the most important thing in life.
[9 disagreements]
B. Dreams – these interesting topic have been on people’s minds for a long time. Everybody have the ability to dream in one way or another. Some peoples even says that dreaming is a sign that we are sleeping the perfect sleep. Throughout time, it have always been a top priorities to figure out the nature of dreams. Although our knowledge of dream are still in a primitive stage, we has already managed to divide them into category. The majority of people will agree that nightmares, daydreams and visions are the most common types of dream.
[11 disagreements]
C. Explorers has lived in almost all times and in almost every countries. There is many interesting books written and lots of adventure movie made about them. We can see that an explorer’s life is not just interesting, but it is also dangerous. In my opinion, explorers should be strong and brave, smart and experienced, and also has a sense of adventure.
[5 disagreements]

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bismilaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim.

Schedule English Lectrure for TKJ Class

Meeting-1 : Introduction, discuss the final test
Meeting-2 : Listening (People and Occupations)
Meeting-3 : Grammar (Subject, Verb, Agreement)
Meeting-4 : Reading
Meeting-5 : Listening (Speakers' relationship)
Meeting-6 : Grammar (Coordinating conjunctions
.................and subordinating conjunctions)
Meeting-7 : Reading
Meeting-8 : Listening (Time and Locations)

Note :
- Task and homework should be checked regularly.
- Test will be discussed later